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Name Version
CMake >= 3.25.0
LLVM == 18

Currently, it is necessary to use clang (due to gcc bug) to build Patchestry, because of patchestry. On Linux it is also necessary to use lld at the moment.

Patchestry uses llvm-18 which can be obtained from the repository provided by LLVM.

Before building (for Ubuntu) get all the necessary dependencies by running

apt-get install build-essential cmake ninja-build libstdc++-12-dev llvm-18 libmlir-18 libmlir-18-dev mlir-18-tools libclang-18-dev
or an equivalent command for your operating system of choice.

Ubuntu 22.04

Optionally (re-)install dependecies from their respective official sources.

sudo bash .devcontainer/ "3.29.2"
sudo bash .devcontainer/ "18" all

With dependecies installed, we can build in build/ in the project root.

# Assuming `/usr/lib/llvm-18/` contains an llvm-18 installation.
cmake --preset default -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/cmake/
# Valid user presets are `debug`, `release`, `relwithdebinfo`.
cmake --build --preset=debug

Getting Ghidra

Get Java JDK (x64)

wget -c -O jdk.tar.gz
tar xvf jdk.tar.gz
mv jdk-22.0.1 ~/jdk
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/jdk/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Get Ghidra

wget -c -O
mv ghidra_11.1.1_PUBLIC ~/ghidra

Installing Ghidra Scripts

Link ghidra_scripts directory to $HOME. We assume that ./patchestry contains the cloned repository.

ln -s patchestry/ghidra_scripts ~


To configure project run cmake with following default options. In case clang isn't your default compiler prefix the command with CC=clang CXX=clang++. If you want to use system installed llvm and mlir (on Ubuntu) use:

The simplest way is to run

cmake --workflow release

If this method doesn't work for you, configure the project in the usual way:

cmake --preset default

To use a specific llvm provide -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<llvm & mlir instalation paths> option, where CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH points to directory containing LLVMConfig.cmake and MLIRConfig.cmake.

Note: Patchestry requires LLVM with RTTI enabled. Use LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON if you build your own LLVM.

Finally, build the project:

cmake --build --preset release

Use debug preset for debug build.


ctest --preset debug